Sunday, 26 June 2011

Story Biskut Marie

Haa. .dis tyme pasal story yg trjadi pada ak sdirik. .ak crite neh bkn sbb nk cari pblisiti murahan kea pew ke. .sajer nk share. .x suke? Lantak lu lah. .kalo gua tertagged same lu,nk untag pon,lantak lu. .lu bg comment kew apew kew,kalo betol,gua amik sbagai pgajaran ntok gua gak. .lu x nak comment? LANTAK LU LA WEY!

First,story ney mase ak pegi negeri Melaka bersejarah. .sbb masuk sukob(sukn kolej2 bersekutu uitm) mase ak still bdak kptm kb. .locationnyer kt uitm Melaka. .smpai jew sane mmg happy giler. .awek cun2,satu. .tmpat luas,dua. .yew la,ex kolej ak satu je bgunan. .tu pon tepi jalan. .sini siap ngn tasik buatan lagi. .court pon sume ada. .tennis? futsal? hoki? sume ada. .haaa. .alkisah. .perut ak lapar. .pegi la cafeteria. .kt situ pon ak hepi sbb murah2 jew mknan dye. .yg ak nk citer adalah slpas ak mkn. .d mana ak brtnya kat sorg kakak tmpt nk solat sbb ak dgar org azan n kafe tu kt atas bukit,msjid plak kt bwah. .apew kakak tu jwab? : Oh! kat atas x da kiblat dik,kt bwah sane ada. adik trun la,msjid tu dpan cket. . . . . . . .

Next,story ak mase hntar adik ke skulah dy,imtiaz besut awl tahun ni. .alkisah brhnti la dkat sbuah kdai mkn. .ak pon amik la satu bgkus nasi n bukak nasi tu. .Allah anugerahkn ak mata yg masih tajam d mana ak nmpak ada makhluk kcil brnama ulat sdg meronta-ronta di lauk aym tersebut. .dgn hati yg geram tapi muke slamber ak gtow la kt mkcik tu. .okey,pe cerita nye? MAKCIK tu,dy amik lauk ayam trsebut n dy buang ulat trsebut by a spoon n put it back n take the meal n return back to me. .terkesima,terkejut,marah pon ada. .ikutkn hati nak aje ak pulaih kpala mkcik tu,tmbuk2 mcm john cena wat dlam wwe. .finalnyer,ak byar n out!

Haaaa, ,ney plak pasal minah sekor yg dok kt kmpung ak neh. .minah ney,da la besar mcm stone cold,bajet cantik. .mekap tu putih melepak. .tuan mcm org south Africa. .bkn nk hina,tapi agak2 ar. .klau da pkcik2 yg tgok bole kna strok. .haaa. .minah ney bole dkatakn minah rempit or driver rally car. .sbb dy mmg laju terutamanya dlm area kmpung. .n mulut munah jugak agak bising lbey2 lg dlm group or tyme gelak. .nak djadikn satu criter,mase tu ak tgah drive kete. .ttiber ade org hon n ak pon berpaling. .maka dengan itu jatuhlah celaka ke atas aku di mana ternampak badak betina itu tgah tersnyum2 kegirangan sambil mlambai tgan kat aku dan di sebelah nyer ada mmber dy. .what the. .ak x penah senyum,suke or tgur badak tue. .dsebabkan ak ney species friendly,ak pon blas la senyum itu smbil mlambai manakala hati ini dpenuhi perkataan2 porno,carut n same species dgn yer baik English edition or malay or arab. .arab ada ke? lantak la.  .abis jew scene tue ak trus pecut!

Aritue ak ada pegi sama satu tempat di tok bali sama member2 ak. .saje je pegi nk lepak2 tmpat jaoh cket. .ak pon da lupe nama tempt uh. .apew yg ak nk gtow adalah pasal sekor mamat ney. .mamat ney dtg ngn betina dy. .mase tu kt restoran. .pas kiteorg order. .mamat ney dtg n dduk d meja sebelah kteorg. .position ak btul2 mghadap mamat neh. .arh,lantaklah. .bukn ak knal un. .tapi msalahnyer slpas tue. .citernyer start bile da 3 ekor awek yg agak hot la dri segi pmakaian dduk d sblah meja mamat tu. .ak n geng2 ak 4 org sumenyer ‘maseh bujang’ ,so,mata2 kitorg agak liar la slepas itu. .mklum la,cntik,cute tp xley lawn lisa surihani. .oh lisa! dah2. .ok. .yg ak x tahan skali,mase kteorg tgah balas2 mata,siul2,kenyit2 mata n so on a.k.a mengusha la knonnyer,si badigol mamat ney maybe tgah pkir kteorg nk usha betina afrika dy. .ak da pasan cket2 mamat ney hangin,gtow kt mmber ak,mmber ak ckap maybe dy gadoh ngn badak dy. .so,KAMI x pdulikn la. .kjap slpas tue,mase kteowg tgah mlahap sambil mgusha,mamat n badak dy da abis,tibe2 dy dtg trus sound kteowg. .bising2 ckap ak ngn mmber ak nk usha badak dy. .mase tu nk ajew ak amik btol kicap nk sumbat dlm mlut mamat tp smpat pkir ak ney ada lg ke x otak ak. .dah la betina tu badak afrika,ko dpat pon sbb cikaro,sbb ko ada rxz. .alah. .stakat rxz ngn cikaro ko kteorg x ingin la. .last2 skali owner kedai tue leraikan. .dah hmpir2 nk brtumbuk da tp bkn aku la. .hehe. .yg sdihnyer,dah la kena marah,bebudak cuteeeee tu pon kteorg ta dpat. .huhu. .cikaro punye pasal. .
Bnyak criter yg ak nk share,tp next tyme plak. .haaaa,mane2 manusia yg bsing pasal publisiti murahan tue,neh blog aku, . .mane2 badigol yg nk hina ke,nk marah kew,LANTAK LU LA BRADER. .mane2 yg tggal seposen a.k.a comment,bnyak2 time kasih. .gua nk caw dulu. .pekena char kuey teow + air barli. .Assalammualaikum!

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Lantak Lu.

Satu perhimpunan yang dijangka aman akan dilakukan pada 9 Julai semata untuk kita tuntut satu pilihan raya yang bersih habis dari benda negative macam rasuah , pengundi hantu dan lain lain .

Okay , ape tujuan saya taip artikel ini? sedangkan i'm still 19? seorang budak yang masih mentah untuk bercakap hal politik ? Listen okey ! Ape apa yang saya taip , thats my view. tak suka? LANTAK LU.

Pasal BERSIH ney,sy bkn nk bntah..mmg btul ape yg datuk ambiga n politicians lain ckap about election pon nk join,andai kata krajaan bg lmpu hijau sbb pndangan rkyat adalah pnting dlam mntadbir n mmajukn ngara..andai rkyat x puas hati,thats a big problem..sbb boleh jadi mcm mesir or similar to that..TAPI xkn dpat pnyer GREEN LIGHT tu..sah da..okey2! Bukan bnda tu yg sy nk ckap okey! Sy just nk ckap : if nak bersih pon,biarlah diri kita tu betul dulu..

Ape la yang kau maksudkn tu? Hah! Maksud betul di atas ialah untuk diri kite sndirik..some people kn,sgt aktif dlm politik..klau org tgok dy org akn kata,WOW! ORG MCM DIA LA BAGUS,KRETA BESAR,JAWATAN BESAR,RUMAH BESAR, si dy plak mcm2 d blkg,rasuah,gelap duit,tipu sana sini n so on..ucapan bapak ah sedap! memikat hitam melekat! penuh motivasi! tapi kluarga sedirik mampos..bini bukn sorg..ank plak penuh kiri knan.,bnyak kuantiti tapi xda kualiti..dsebbkn duit bnyak,c anak pon x knal..hah! OKEY! yg ney psal mamat B plak..tadi mamat A..mamat B ney,bkn msalah sosial ke apew..mamat b ney baik,smyg brjemaah slalu,baik ngn org2 sekitarnye,kalo tyme kempen,memg sejuk tgok muka dy,tenang yg problemnye ,relationship between his own fmily..dgn siblings,his own parents n so lain bapak ah respect..tapi ngn fmily sdirik hampeh..pew kaitan semua neh? àgeng2 a saling gadoh ngn geng2 b even satu kmpung..ALBAHLUL punye olang..

Adakah sy cube menyokong mana2 parti dgn bberapa knyataan d atas? Jawapan nya : TIDAK! Adakah saya cube mnjatuhkan pasal isu BERSIH ini? TIDAK JUGA! Apakah saya ingin membrukkan mamat A n B tu? TIDAK LA!! Apa kaitan nye ngn isu BERSIH? Sah2 budak ni hentam keromo je artikel dia..LANTAK LU.

pasal di atas la yg sy amat sedih skali..pasal di atas la yg mmbuatkan para2 belia smakin tdak mmpedulikn ngara ini..bapak ah ayat! YA! Betol! Yg brgaduh ape semua tu,majoritinyer bapak2 or datuk2 org! pastu dyorg pesan : Anak2,Cucu2,kite hidup satu rumpun,jgn pcah fmly,hormati jiran,jgn gado2 ea,ta elok. Ringan same dpikul,berat same djinjing,peliharalah bngsa kite yer,martabatkn melayu. Ceeeyyyt!!! inilah situasi di mana berak merata-rata,pastu tegur ank sndiri jgn berak merata..mkn blik la taik tu oi!! Ops,terlebey sudah! LANTAK LU.

Ney pasal post sy baru2 ney d mana post sy itu adalah : Most Politicians Are Suck. A few days later,I receive a message : “Salam En.Kyrgiakos,name gua R****n A***F.Pasal post lu ney,gua x puas hati la,apsal lu post mcm tu? X smua mcm tu! Lu pon tgh stdy lg kn,x yah la nk mmandai to judges pliticianes neyh. gua tgok lu pon da mcm x btol jew. Lu org mane? Klo brani jmpe gua.” Ayt2 slpas tu dpenuhi unsur2 porno. 18sx.Pndai plak bg salam.  Sorry to say,to judge ye,bkn judges..n politicians yer,bkn pliticianes..n GUA brani nk jmpe LU! Stakat nk dduk smeja nak brdebat okey ajew,tp kalo nk mncarut,LANTAK LU. N klau x puas hati,jgn message yer..Post je kt profile saya..SAYA TAK KISAH SEBAB LANTAK LU.

Itulah MELAYU..masing2 nak gaduh sesame sendiri,nk jadi pengedar , pgguna dadah brjaya ke, nk jd perogol n pembunuh berjaye,nk jd perasuah berjaya,pemecah belah brjaya n bnyak lagi..tu sume MELAYU.Mane2 yg bace artikel ney,nk marah ke,nk ape ke,LANTAK LU la..awal2 lagi sy da pesan..thats my view even sy rase ianya xda kaitan ngan mana2 parti or ngan BERSIH..TRIMAS! 


Monday, 11 April 2011

What Is History?

Do you know where you were born? Were you born at a 
hospital, or at home? How much did you weigh when you were 
born? What did you have to eat for your first birthday?
You don’t remember being born, do you? And you probably 
don’t remember your first birthday party! So how can you find 
the answers to these questions?

You can ask your parents. They can tell you about things 
that happened long ago, before you were old enough to remember. They can tell you stories about when you were a baby.These stories are your “history.” Your history is the story of 
what happened to you from the moment you were born, all the 
way up to the present. You can learn this history by listening to 
your parents. They remember what happened when you were born. 
And they probably took pictures of you when you were a baby. You 
can learn even more about your history from these pictures. Did 
you have hair? Were you fat or thin? Are you smiling or frowning? 
What are you wearing? Do you remember those clothes?

You have a history!

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Vladimir Lenin Biography

Vladimir Ilich Lenin (1870 - 1924)

Born on April 10, 1870 this son of a Russian nobleman was to have a profound effect on the future of Russia and, indeed, the world. His father had been the son of a serf who had risen to post of inspector of schools in Simbirsk. While his mother was the daughter of land owning physician.
In school he proved himself to be very bright though he suffered alienation because of it. However, he excelled in his studies. He also enjoyed reading and writings of Goethe and Turgenev would affect him for the rest of his life.
Two major tragedies occurred which had an acute effect on the young Lenin (then Ulyanov). In 1886 his father died from a cerebral haemorrhage, the following year his brother, Alexander, was hung for plotting to assassinate Tsar Alexander III. Lenin renounced religion and the political system. Added to this he was the brother of dead revolutionary and found many doors closed to him. He finally managed to be accepted in a Kazan University where he studied law. This was to be shortlived as he was expelled for attending a peaceful protest some three months later. He was ostracised from the academic world. He studied the law on his own and passed the exam, coming first in a class of 124 in 1891.
Rise to Power
He moved to St. Petersburg in 1893 where he practised law. While there he began developing a Marxist underground movement. He grouped members into six member cells. By this means industrial conditions were investigated, statistics compiled and pamphlets written. It was also through these groups that he met his future wife, Nadezhda Krupskaya, who he married in 1898.
He travelled to Switzerland to meet like minded Social Democrats in 1895. While there he talked with Georgi Plekhanov. They argued over the means of bringing about change in Russia. Plekhanov wanted to include the liberal middle class; Lenin favoured the rise of the proletariat. This disagreement led to the eventual split of the Social Democratic party into Mensheviks and Bolsheviks.
When Lenin returned to Russia he carried with him illegal pamphlets, he wanted to start up a revolutionary paper. On the eve of its publication he and other leaders were arrested. He served fifteen months in prison. After this term he was exiled to Siberia and it was there that he and Krupskaya were married. Having finished their period of exile in 1900 they left for Switzerland where they finally managed to establish their paper, Iskra (Spark). During his years in Switzerland he rose to a position of power in the Social Democratic party. His uncompromising views were a core cause for the split in the party.

The 1905 St. Petersburg Massacre spurred Lenin to advocate violent action. The Massacre itself occurred when Cossacks fired on peaceful protesters led by Father Georgi Gapon. This event led to several uprisings in Russia. Lenin returned to Russia for two years but the promised revolution did not happen as the Tsar made enough concessions to mollify the people. Lenin went abroad again.
1917 was to finally see the revolution in Russia. In fact two revolutions occurred in this year. In March steelworkers in St. Petersburg went on strike. It grew until thousands of people lined the streets. The Tsar's power collapsed and the Duma, led by Alexander Kerensky, took power. Lenin made a deal with the Germans; if they could get him safely back to Russia, he would take power and pull Russia out of the war. Kerensky was to fall over this same issue. He refused to take Russia out a war in which they were suffering severe losses and causing brutal hardship at home. Lenin came to power in October after a nearly bloodless coup.
Lenin in Power
At age forty seven Vladimir Ilich Lenin was named president of the Society of People's Commissars (Communist Party). The problems of the new government were enormous. The war with Germany was ended immediately (his battle cry had been "Bread not War"). Though Russia lost the bread basket of the Ukraine to Germany this was soon regained when Germany was ultimately defeated in the war. Land was redistributed, some as collective farms. Factories, mines, banks and utilities were all taken over by the state. The Russian Orthodox Church was disestablished.
There was opposition and this led to a civil war in 1918 between the Mensheviks (Whites) and the Bolsheviks (Reds). Despite being supported by Britain and the U.S.A. the whites were defeated after a bitter struggle.
From 1919 to 1921 famine and typhus ravaged Russia and left over 27 million people dead. To counter these disasters Lenin put into effect the New Economic Plan. This plan embraced some capital ideas (limited private industry) in order to revitalise the flagging economy. However he was never to see the full effect of his measures
Decline and Death
In May 1922 Lenin suffered the first of a series of strokes, less than a year later he suffered a second one. In his two remaining years he tried correct some of the excesses of the regime. He saw that it would be necessary to learn coexistence with capitalist countries and eliminate the inefficiency of his bureaucracy. He also tried to ensure that Trotsky and not Stalin succeeded him. In this endeavour he failed. Stalin was far too clever and astute even for Lenin. 1923 saw him decline further as he had another stroke which left him paralysed and speechless. He never fully recovered and died of a cerebral haemorrhage on January 21, 1924.

Friday, 18 March 2011

When Tomorrow Comes. . .

The sun rised,

The sun fell,

The sun slew the shadows well,

The sun rises,

The sun falls,

The sun banishes the shadows on the walls,

The sun will rise,

The sun will fall,

The sun will die after shadows grow tall,

A new day has been aroused,

Yet not all has even stirred,

Noise, by sleep, has been doused,

As nothing can be heard,

As the time never goes back,

When tomorrow comes…

my first poem,:)..
please give your comment(behave yourself)..:)

Sincerely by,
Muhammad Wazien Bin Zuraidi.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

sTrAnGe bUt tRuE,bElIeVe iT oR nOt....

1.Koalas and humans are the only animals with unique fingerprints. Koala prints cannot be distinguished from human fingerprints. Luckily, few koalas pursue a life of crime.

2.Benjamin Franklin was the proud owner of the very first bathtub in the colonies.

3.Only female bees work. Males remain in the hive, their only mission in life being to fertilize the queen bee on her maiden flight. After they have served their function, the males are not allowed back into the hive but are left outside, where they starve to death.

4.In the Roman Republic of 500 B.C., the senate could appoint a supreme national commander for a limited time during periods of emergency. While in charge, his word was law. His title in Latin meant "I have spoken." The title was "dictator."

5.Laptop computers falling from the overhead bins onto passenger's  heads are among the most common accidents aboard airplanes.

6.Citizens of seventeenth-century England used ashes, bread, and urine to clean their clothes.

7.Although the early Egyptians were the most famous mummy makers, they were not exactly the first to practice this now-long-dead art. An extremely advanced fishing tribe known as the Chinchoros, who inhabited the north coast of what is present-day Chile, were wrapping up their ex-tribesmen from head to toe as early as 5000 B.C.- way before the pharaohs!

8.Before bath tissue was introduced in the United States in perforated form in 1884, a number of outhouses in America were stocked with dried leaves.

9.A rat can squeeze through an opening no larger than a dime.

10.The men who served as guards along the Great Wall of China in the Middle Ages often were born on the wall, grew up there, married there, died there, and were buried within it. Many of these guards never left the wall in their entire lives.

11.Babies are born without kneecaps; they don’t appear until the ages of 2-6 months old.

12.It is difficult to drown an ant because water doesn't penetrate their minuscule breathing tube; the ants will suffer, however, from too much carbon dioxide, which knocks them out. It takes awhile, but they will eventually die.

13.The sound a camel makes is called nuzzing.

14.Surprisingly, a cat stands a greater chance of survival if it falls from a higher place than from a lower place. Laws of physic explain why: A falling object, after traveling a certain distance through the air, reaches a final speed, or "terminal velocity," because the object’s friction with the air slows the fall. The smaller the object’s mass, and the greater its area, the more it will slow.

15.Visual scientist have estimated that, by the age of 60, our eyes have been exposed to more light energy than would be released by a nuclear blast. The rapid, irregular eye movement that occurs when changing focus from one point to another, as while reading or looking out from a moving train, is called saccade.

16.In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, some people thought comets were the eggs or sperm of planetary systems.

17.The British royal family changed their last name to Windsor from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha during World War I so as not to appear pro-German. They have never changed it back.

18.Benjamin Franklin slept in four beds every night. He had a theory that a warm bed sapped a man’s vitality. So when one bed became too warm, Ben jumped into another.

Thats all from me,enjoy it!
Thank you. :)
Muhammad Wazien Zuraidi.